The adventures in time and space continue, as the Doctor
and his faithful companion Rose Tyler travel time and space
fighting evil, righting wrongs and saving the course of history.
This is the ultimate guide to the newest adventures of the
Doctor: an archive of information, review and commentary,
from the press to the production to the fans, as the venerable
Time Lord returns to television in 2005 in a thirteen-part
series set to stun viewers and critics alike...
to the Vortex: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor
Who 2005 is one hell of a tome, four hundred and twenty-three
fact packed pages which will tell you everything you will
ever need to know about the revitalisation of Doctor Who.
Written by J Shaun Lyon, who has been involved with the world
of Who for some time, he is a writer who knows his
from the tone of the book, Vortex is obviously aimed
at those under a certain age, who may have come across the
good Doctor for the first time, there is a wealth of new facts
and insights for the most hardened Whovian. In fact, only
the first chapter is devoted to bringing new viewers up to
speed to the point prior to the start of the process that
would bring Doctor Who back to our screens.
book is broken up into two distinct parts plus appendices.
The first part of the book goes under the umbrella name of
The Journey and consists of twelve chapters. This details
the whole tortuous process that went into reviving the old
show for the twenty-first century. Now, temptation would produce
here a list of dates and times, an arid landscape indeed,
but not for Lyon. He produces a story full of all the wrong
turns. It's interesting to find how many times the daily papers
got their facts wrong whilst trumpeting supposed scoops and
informative snippets of what was really going on behind closed
doors. Even if you didn't even like Doctor Who this
part of the book details a fascinating account of how a television
series is really brought to the screen.
second part of the book titled The Adventure takes
a look at all thirteen stories in turn. Within each story
there are character development segments and analysis, among
other things, and an interesting critique of each of the adventures.
Now you may not agree with what the reviewers think, but it's
refreshing that in some cases the reviewers disagree with
one another. There are a number of pictures in the book, nothing
spectacular, but then there are other books out there for
this type of eye candy.
is little denying that this book is good value, not only is
it long but the text is fairly small, meaning that there is
an awful lot of information contained here. Telos have done
a wonderful job with the book itself, the internal design
and layout makes it feel much more expensive than it is, they
have even gone so far as to include a cloth book mark. Whilst
this is an unofficial guide I'd be hard pressed to think of
any aspect of the show that isn't covered here.
if you've bought one of those official books full of glossy
picture but very little in the way of hard information, then
buy this as a companion piece. As a stand alone book it's
a must have for fans of the show.
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