Buffy the Vampire Slayer
OZ: Into the Wild

Author: Christopher Golden
Pocket Books
RRP £6.99
ISBN 0 674345032 9
Available now


Although those that love and care for him accept his 'wolfy' nature, Oz has been unable to accept himself and therefore, with great difficulty, has left Sunnydale on a trail towards enlightenment. Giles told him of a Watcher in the Fiji Islands who might be able to help him fight the lunar pull. Oz's travels take him to far reaching places like Hong-Kong, Tibet, and Australia. Before long however, he finds he must control the beast sooner rather than later or find himself becoming prey rather than predator...

Based on the Graphic Novel telling Oz's tale, the novel of Into the Wild is the meatier read of the two. The story is pretty much the same, but as with most books, a novel lets you imagine the scene yourself, rather than giving you its own version of the events.

The paperback is also £2 cheaper than its graphic novel counterpart, so all in all it offers much more value. I wouldn't say buy both, but they are as good as each other so in the end it comes down to preferences.

If you like to sit down and read a book go for this option. But if you prefer to flick through the pics in a short sitting, then the comic version is the way to go. Either way you've got a good, if not short, story before you.

Keri Allan

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