Skywalker's daring mission to halt the Yuuzhan Vong's nefarious
plot to overthrow the New Republic is struggling on all fronts.
Time is slipping away for Han and Leia Organa Solo, who are
trapped on a planet where rulers are about to yield to Yuuzhan
Vong pressure to give up the Jedi rebels...
Coruscant, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker have made a shocking
discovery that is preventing the Yuuzhan Vong from exerting
complete control. But when the enemy tracks them down, Luke
and Mara are thrust into a fierce battle for their lives.
Suddenly, the chances of escaping appear nearly impossible.
And in space, another battle rages, one that holds ominous
consequences for the New Republic - and for the Jedi themselves.
between 25-30 years after the events in Star Wars: A New
Hope, Aaron Allston's Enemy Lines II - Rebel Stand
is the latest in The New Jedi Order series from Arrow.
Following on from Enemy Lines I - Rebel Dream, Allston's writing
has been finely tuned between books and his delivery of events
are noticeably tighter.
the powers that be at Arrow are on the ball they will quickly
sign Allston up for a regular series. It is obvious that he
is passionate about his subject and this enthusiasm comes
across in the writing, making the book hard to put down.
again, Dave Seeley has produced a stunning cover - although
Han and Leia look a little young.

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