Star Wars
The New Jedi order

Author: Matthew Woodring Stover
RRP £5.99
ISBN 0 09 941035 4
Available 29 August 2002

Deep in the bowels of the captured capital planet of Coruscant, a hunted Jedi is hidden with an unexpected mentor who teaches him new ways to understand the Force - and what it means to be a Jedi...

The relationship between Jacen Solo and Vergere is not dissimilar to that between Luke Skywalker and Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back. Once again a promising young Jedi Knight is being tutored in the ways of the Force by a mysterious creature - although this time around it is not clear whether the teacher is driven by the darkside.

Matthew Woodring Stover manages to weave a tangled plot on familiar territory, balancing a thin line between dark and light. But dig a little deeper and there is very little there to get your teeth into. At times I had difficulty visualising Stover's world - which is not a good sign for a writer.

At best this is an average read - and while it does add much to the Star Wars universe, by its conclusion I was past caring. Oh, and Cliff Nielsen's cover art is so dull. What happened there?

Ray Thompson

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