In 1782, savage ape-like beings from another dimension have
begun to materialise on Earth. The Eighth Doctor, cut off
from his TARDIS, has formed an unlikely alliance with Scarlette,
adventuress and owner of a high-class brothel. As part of
his plan to heal the dimensional instability, the Doctor announces
his forthcoming marriage...
The author of the controversial Interference is courting
controversy once more, with Scarlette and her "family" of
harlots placed squarely at the forefront of his complex tale.
They are part of this book's "warts and all" depiction of
British history, in which the rose-tinted spectacles are most
definitely off. As well as aiding the Doctor, prostitutes
also play an unwilling role in the invasion of the ape-like
babewyns, who cross over via the spiritual "horizon"
that is attained by lovers practising tantric sex.
narrative is steeped in such mysticism, yet also packed with
historical commentary, and it is hard to deduce where the
fantasy ends and the facts begin. It is boldly asserted, for
example, that the British Secret Service had occult origins.
However, the discussion of more widely known topics, such
as the madness of King George III and the phenomenal expansion
of industrial Manchester, helps to make the whole work ring
with Miles' previous books, particularly his Doctor-less New
Adventure, Dead Romance, the text employs the format of
written records as a story-telling device. Indeed, the entire
novel is written as though pieced together from various published
or anecdotal accounts, complete with their individual quirks
of spelling and punctuation. These various narratives often
contain confusing gaps and/or contradictions - this not only
adds authenticity but also acts as a cunning get-out clause,
allowing the reader to take on board or dismiss whichever
controversial ideas he or she likes or dislikes.
with Dead Romance, theories are put forward about a
powerful race that matches the description of the Time Lords,
but remains nameless. In the New Adventure such vagueness
was largely due to copyright restrictions, but here the primary
factor is the Doctor's lingering amnesia regarding the extinction
of his own people. Pouring out theories directly from his
subconscious mind, the Doctor proposes that since these now
semi-legendary beings - once such a crucial presence within
the universe - have completely vanished, other creatures,
including the babewyns, have been attempting to take
their place.
less fortunate, characteristic that this book shares with
Dead Romance is the nature of the babewyns themselves.
As extra-dimensional creatures that break through into the
protagonists' reality, the apes are rather similar to the
Sphinxes of Miles' previous work.
is a densely written novel, in terms of its tiny type as well
as the sheer portent and depth of significance of its narrative.
These factors make for slow, but rewarding, reading. Though
hardly the most carefree of recreational reads, Adventuress
is certainly adventurous. Read it and feel clever!

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