The war with Imperiex is not going as well as it might for
Superman and his allies. A JLA member has been killed and
the casualties are rising with many heroes dead or missing
in action. As both sides try to turn the battle to their favour,
super villain Brainiac 13 enters the war intent on harnessing
the awesome power of Imperiex for his own ends...
Our Worlds at War - Book Two
sees Superman and co fighting to save everything they have
ever held dear, but a terrible price is paid to achieve this.
Superman also approaches president Luther in an attempt to
end the war, but can he be trusted?
volume seems to gel together better than the previous volume.
The art work seems much more standardised and this helps to
keep the reader from turning each page only to see yet another
style of artwork looking up at them.
collection also neatly concludes the series. However, the
whole thing ends on such a downer that you may need to cheer
yourself up afterwards by reading something a little more
light hearted
those of you who still see superman as the namby pamby superhero
then this collection could change your mind.

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