An ultra-violent vigilante on a murderous campaign, a legion
of resurrected heroes unleashed and masked corpses looking
for payback... it's time for San Futuro's resident hero hunter
to lay down the law! Take another long look into the Abyss,
as Marshal Law comes face-to-face with his past and gives
it both barrels...
Sweat and Fears collects
Kingdom of the Blind, The Hateful Dead and
Super Babylon under
one cover. In a world where superheroes have to live out their
existence as circus freaks, entertaining the public in order
to scrape enough money to get by, this collection sees Marshal
Law hunting down a number of costumed superheroes who are
intent on bringing mankind to its knees.
most interesting story in this collection, The Hateful
Dead, sees a legion of superheroes rise from the dead.
Marshal Law must destroy them before they destroy him. But
how can he kill what does not live? The story takes a dramatic
twist when Marshal Law's old girlfriend is brought back from
the grave and asks him to join her in death.
are plenty of comedic touches that make this collection a
great read. The tombstones in Marshal Law's father's graveyard
has some amusing inscriptions and there is some questionable
heroes, who employ young, child sidekicks for sexual gratification.
In Kingdom of the Blind, Marshal Law's nemesis is a
superhero whose past is an amusing take on Bruce Wayne's (Batman)
own past. However, instead of his parents being murdered after
leaving the cinema, they are knocked off after leaving a video
shop that sells hard-core pornography.
you want laughs by the bucketful then this is a must read.
Intelligent, thought provoking and extremely funny. Pat Mills
and Kevin O'Neill are two of the greatest comic book writers/illustrators
alive today.

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