Hollow Earth & Other Stories

Authors: Various
Artists: Various

Titan Books
RRP £13.99
ISBN 1 84023 582 9
Available now

Beneath the treacherous South Seas and under a ravaged monastery, Abe Sapien and the other weird agents of the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defence (BPRD) uncover homesick bones, mad science and the junkyard at the centre of the Earth...

Hollow Earth & Other Stories takes a sideways look at the Hellboy universe. But, instead of having Hellboy as the central character, this collection follows the other members of BPRD as they go about uncovering supernatural events - a little like Big Foot and the Lochness Monster solving cases on The X-Files.

The collection of stories gathered are entertaining enough, but without a major appearance from Hellboy there isn't the same dynamics amongst the other characters.

The artwork is incredibly well constructed - the guest artists have managed to capture Mignola's style (which itself borrows from the late Polish artist Stanislav Szukalski) perfectly. And the stories are well plotted.

If you have all of the Hellboy collections then this is must. But newcomers to his world may feel a little confused as to what is going on.

A nice collection.

Darren Rea

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