Bruce Wayne: Fugitive - Vol 3

Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP: £9.99
ISBN 1 84023 735 X
Available now

Batman has learned who framed him and tried to put Bruce Wayne away for murder. But his bodyguard, Sasha Bordeaux, remains in prison. As he tries to win her freedom events unfold that lead the Batman to pursue a new mystery. He must also try to keep the mercenary, David Cain, alive in order to testify against the White House...

The final instalment in the Bruce Wayne - Fugitive series of graphic novels neatly ties up all the loose ends. Bruce is desperate to clear his name as well as that of his ex-bodyguard.

As with previous collections, it is amazing that the countless writers and illustrators working on the story manage to get everything to flow as well as they do. You can just see where one artist takes over from another, but the join is almost seamless.

More is discovered about the origins of Batgirl, Bruce's true feelings for Sasha and Cain's lack of love for his own existence.

Whoever was responsible for writing the blurb on the back cover should be shot though, as it gives away a rather surprising twist regarding Wayne's former bodyguard. After following this collection for three volumes, I doubt readers will appreciate being told a pivotal plot development - even if it transpires that there is more to it than at first appears.

Another excellent Batman collection.

Pete Boomer

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