Returned from the grave, Oliver Queen (AKA The Green Arrow)
is disturbed to discover that a mysterious figure was seen
at his funeral. It is soon revealed that the man in question
is an old foe, and his appearance at Queen's funeral means
he now knows the real identity of The Green Arrow as well
as the other superheroes, including Superman, that attended.
Queen sets out on a dangerous trip down memory lane as he
and his former ward Arsenal seek out a series of legendary
artefacts from his past...
Archer's Quest is
not just a story for Green Arrow fans. There is enough back
story here to allow those unfamiliar with Oliver Queen's life
to follow what has gone before. This is not a Green Arrow
story as such. This could just as easily have had Batman,
Superman or any other superhero with a secret identity as
the central character. And that is part of the charm of this
What is interesting about this collection is how the whole
thing came about. Author, Brad Meltzer, explains in his Afterword
to this collection that the whole idea for The Archer's
Quest was born during a conversation with one of his friends
on the subject of "porn-buddies". Porn-buddies, apparently,
are close friends that you entrust with the whereabouts of
your porn collection. Should you die, it is your porn-buddies
duty to go to your house and remove all of your porn before
your family discover it.
While this collection doesn't feature any porn, it does feature
a number of secret items that Queen would rather didn't fall
into the wrong hands and so off he sets to track these items
with the usual extra pages that contain covers and sketches,
The Archer's Quest contains the original proposal for
this collection, as well as the original script for the first
chapter of the book.
written, beautifully illustrated, and extremely moving. A
fantastic collection.

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