Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future
The Red Moon Mystery

Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP £14.99, US S19.95
1 84023 666 3
Available 22 October 2004

Dan and his trusty crew must head once more into the dangerous, icy depths of space. There they will uncover the secrets of a strange red moon that has entered the solar system, threatening Earth with destruction...

The Red Moon Mystery continues the adventures of Dan Dare. As well as the classic comic strips, this collection includes the second part of a lengthy interview with creator (the late) Frank Hampson, an article on the troubled times surrounding Hampson's departure from Eagle, and a Who's Who in Dan Dare.

Yet again Titan spoil us with a well presented collector's edition. Hardback cover, glossy pages and some new material, all make this a must own book for serious comics fans.

How much this collection will appeal to today's, younger comics reader is debatable. I'd like to think that Hampson's creation is timeless, but in reality I know it isn't. While the exploits of Dan and his crew may well have been cutting edge for their time, they have certainly aged in the intervening years. Having said that, I like to think that they have aged gracefully - they're certainly more readable than other strips from the same time (any fan of Batman or Superman will back me up here I'm sure.)

Anyone who remembers Dan Dare from their childhood will love this collection.

Ray Thompson

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