Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Tales of the Vampires

Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP £10.99
ISBN 1 84023 548 9
Available 17 December 2004

Joss Whedon, creator of
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, reunites with his acclaimed television writers to revisit the shadowy world that changed the face of television...

Following on from titles of the sale ilk, such as the great Tales of the Slayers, Tales of the Vampires offers a flipside view of the Buffy-verse; a much darker collection of stories from the vampires themselves.

You get to experience the tales of some unknown monsters as well as cameos from the series' most loved bloodsuckers; Angel, Spike and Drusilla in earlier unseen adventures. Each story is very different from the others, as a variety of adored writers such as Jane Espenson and Drew Goddard put pen to paper and offer their own spin on the world of the vampire.

Also, numerous artists came onboard to add their own wonderfully twisted imagery to the stories, making this a collection of tales all Buffy fans must have. Their many different styles offer a rainbow of experiences to the reader, and you wont put it down until you've read it from cover to cover.

Also, this title is real great value for money as its no thin graphic novel. A chunky read, gripping from beginning to end, you really need to get this if you love the supernatural world in any way.

Keri Allan

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