Join Tom Strong in an alternate world where his origin was
just slightly different - and then explore the Moon, revisit
an old, cold flame, and meet Tom's biggest fan...
Four in
this series contains a handful of tales that take a sideways
look at the world of Tom Strong and his friends.
first tale, which takes up almost 50% of this collection,
is an alternative universe story. This sees Tom Strong's mother
changing the future by one simple act - she was slightly delayed
boarding a boat. The ripple effect being that she was shipwrecked,
her husband was killed and she ended up getting it together
with the captain of the boat. Tomas Stone replaces Tom Strong
in this universe and is soon hooking up with a good version
of Saveen and the two set about doing good deeds. Then the
two heroes get married and everything starts to fall apart.
tale is worth the asking price alone. While not original,
the idea of one small event changing the total future of our
universe is still an intriguing one. And having Tomas Stone
as an individual with mixed race parents adds an interesting
twist to the alternate universe. But, some things are just
meant to be and even though the events have changed some forces
in nature can not be altered - including love. The end result
is a gripping, if somewhat by the numbers tale, which does
not disappoint.
other stories in this collection are okay - nothing to get
too excited about, but certainly worth a quick read. There
is a fairly average story set on the Moon; an interesting
tale about a woman who turns anything she touches to ice;
and a fun adventure about a big Tom Strong fan.
you haven't experienced the weird world of Tom Strong this
is as good a place to start as any. Well worth buying.

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