Battlestar Galactica
The Memory Machine

Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP: £14.99, US $19.95
ISBN 1 84023 945 X
Available 24 June 2005

This classic comics adaptation continues the story of the ragtag fleet of survivors' desperate attempt to reach Earth. In this volume,
Galactica's commander Adama willingly submits himself to the Memory Machine. With it, he hopes to recall the co-ordinates for the human race's mythical home planet, which he had glimpsed before a Cylon attack destroyed them. But all does not go to plan...

The Memory Machine is another collection of tales inspired by the 1978 TV series. This is the first time these stories have been reprinted, and it's not hard to see why. Obviously they are being brought out of mothballs to coincide with the new Battlestar Galactica series.

While the stories themselves are a little dull by today's standards, it's the art work that really lets the side down. For its time, it was very much typical of the style represented in other comics, but by today's standards it's basic colours make it look too bland.

While older readers may get a buzz rereading these stories after so long, for the rest of us these tales should have been left in the past. And while I've never understood Titan's pricing policy (some well produced collections are sold for under £10) I really couldn't see why this was being marketed for the ridiculously high price of £15.

Nick Smithson

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