Identity Crisis (Hardback)

Author: Brad Meltzer
Artist: Rags Morales
Titan Books
RRP £19.99
ISBN 1 84576 126 X
Available 25 November 2005

Tempers fly, secrets are unearthed and friendships shattered when the spouse of a Justice League of America member is found brutally murdered. With the entire superhero community on edge, fearing that their loved ones will be next, fracture lines begin to show in the heroes' previously united front - threatening to tear them apart before they can bring the killer to justice...

Identity Crisis is a cracking graphic novel. It's like a murder mystery, but with superheroes - all of whom are playing detective and none of whom are beneath suspicion.

When Ralph Dibney's, aka the Elongated Man, wife Sue is killed by a mysterious assailant everything points towards the murderer being a super villain or hero. As the Justice League of America (JLA) set about trying to uncover who is behind this crime, it soon becomes apparent that Sue will not be the last target on the killer's hit list. None of the friends or family members of the JLA are safe.

And for a handful of members of the JLA there is an added complication. How can they track down the killer, while at the same time attempting to hide a terrible secret they must keep from the other JLA members?

This collection is not only incredibly well written and illustrated, but the presentation is also first rate. Titan are, again, spoiling us with a hardback edition with better than average paper stock.

There's also a really interesting addition to this collection. At the back of the book there is a run down on who the artist modelled each character on. Once you've read this, it's worth flicking through the collection again and you'll see it in a whole new light. For example, Ralph Dibney was based on Danny Kaye and John Cleese was the model for Shining Knight. The writer and artist also discuss this collection in a long essay, broken down into easily digestible segments.

No serious comics collector should be without a copy of this.

Nick Smithson

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