witnessed the cataclysmic confrontation between dark and light,
Swamp Thing realises that all reality has changed. But one
driving desire remains in his heart: returning to his wife.
However, this is one dream that will ensure his wife is shunned
from society as a freak. How can Swamp Thing continue to see
his wife when it may mean the end of her career and possibly
her life?...
to Earth is
an excellent graphic novel which tries to answer some of the
comic industry's taboos. Just what would really happen is
a woman had a sexual relationship with a great big walking
carpet? The answers are here to see for yourself.
the storyline and art work is beyond criticism, sadly the
same can not be said of the presentation. Titan have packaged
this work very poorly. While the cover is standard fare, the
pages inside are merely reproductions of the original American
comics (on the same poor quality paper and using the same
poor ink).
price is a little steep too at £13. It is probably cheaper
to go and buy half a dozen new comics instead.
said, this is still a mighty fine collection, but think twice
before parting with your money.

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Streets Online charge a flat £1 fee regardless
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All prices correct at time of going to press.