Ultra Magnus, Autobot leader in 2006, is torn between two
missions - to help his fellow autobots in a last-ditch strike,
or to help rescue a vanished Optimus Prime - and to confront
Galvatron, who has returned in time to 1986, with deadly plans
for the future...
a collection of the UK comic of the Transformers comic. Despite
the problems that they had in production (as the UK comic
was originally intended to reproduce the US comics but as
that was monthly and the UK version was every two weeks -
later switching to weekly - there was a lack of material coming
out of the US) the stories were engaging. However because
of the UK writing filler stories to make up for the US copy
it meant that the stories must always allow for the US material
to slot back in once the UK story had been told - not an easy
why these stories are being reprinted is beyond me. Who is
the target audience? Transformers were a huge 80s phenomenon
so will these stories appeal to the young or old comic collectors
who want to relive their youth? Can we expect He-Man and
the Masters of the Universe to appear in the near future?
Or maybe Teenage Mutant Ninja (Hero) Turtles? Let's
hope not.
stories are also a little on the dull side for most of the
kids of today. While
Titan Publishing have done a wonderful job in reprinting this
collection I can see it ending up in remainder bookstores
by Christmas.
great look back at how Marvel took an American comic and made
it their own, but not really worth owning.

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