access this Easter Egg is simple. On the extras menu (which
in itself is original in that you must stop the rotating Polaroid
images to access each extra screen) wait until you see the
last Polaroid picture and then press the enter button on your
DVD remote control.
extras include an interview with Nolan, and a collection of
other standard extras, but where this DVD really comes into
its own is The Beginning of the End Easter Egg. Here
you get to see the film in chronological order so that the
events unfold as it goes along (not nearly as interesting
a plot).
movie is original and outstanding in its construction and
is one film that must be seen at least twice.
Moss demonstrates great range in the role of Natalie, a woman
who has also lost someone she loves.
process is an ingenious storytelling device which, the writer/director
Christopher Nolan explains is a tool to help the viewer take
a glimpse into what Shelby's life must be like. The only way
he knows who to trust is by reading the hand-written notes
on the back of the Polaroids as well as examining his tattoos.
narrative for Memento is played in reverse order, so
the film actually starts with Shelby (Guy Pearce) killing
the man that all the evidence points to being the guilty man
and then works back, in increments of short segments until
the whole plot is unwoven.
Shelby is out to track down and bring to justice the man who
raped and murdered his wife. Unfortunately he suffers from
acute short-term memory loss and is incapable of storing new
memories for longer than 15 minutes. The only way he knows
what to do and who he is with is by using Polaroid pictures
of people and places to help him keep up to date on his progress.
He also tattoos important clues on his body in a desperate
attempt to solve the crime...
read the review backwards starting with the last paragraph
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