Struggling black comic Lance Barton has died on stage hundred
of times. But when he is knocked down by a bus his guardian
angel rushes him off to Heaven before checking that he is
actually dead. This mistake means that Barton is given the
chance to live again in the body of an aging, white billionaire...
on the Warren Beatty film Heaven Can Wait, which itself
was based on a stage play, Down to Earth never really
quite hits the mark. Chris Rock plays the role of Lance Barton,
but coming so soon after his role as the 13 apostle of Jesus
Christ in Kevin Smith's Dogma, one wonders if he will now
become type cast as the undead dead guy.
are only a handful of laughs to be had out of this mediocre
comedy and most of those are in embarrassment at a few racist
jokes. The
film only really starts to pick up the pace about 15 minutes
before the end.
is a well respected comic and his talents are wasted here
as he bumbles from one scene to the next.
extras on the DVD are practically none existent with only
a trailer and 10 minute featurette.
a word, dull.

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