SG-1 team are trapped four million light years from Earth,
Teal'c has been captured by Apophis and their archenemy looks
set to blast them to bits...
gets season five off to a cracking start with some nice twists.
The replicator bugs are back and are much meaner (and you
can tell the effects department have been given bags more
cash to throw at the effects.) and Teal'c is not what he seems.
While this episode does not conclude the season four cliffhanger
as predictably as I had thought it would (stranded light-years
from Earth without a Stargate how will our heroes get back
home? Simple! Board Apophis's ship and use his Stargate) the
alternative solution is much better executed and I now know
why I am not a script writer for the show.
very satisfying beginning to what looks set to be a great

Teal'c is taken back to the SGC unit to start his rehabilitation.
Bra'tac suggests an ancient Jaffa ritual to ensure that he
can return to active duty. One slight drawback is that the
ritual has always resulted in the death of the participant...
is arguably one of the best Teal'c based episodes and fans
of the series are treated to a full history of everyone's
favourite Jaffa. Here we get to see how he came to be in the
employ of Apophis, why he chose to defy his goa'uld master
and charts his history right up until the time he meets up
with SG-1 for the first time.
is a must see episode.
While on a mission to an alien planet Major Carter is rendered
unconscious. The SGC relieve her of duty to let her recover
from exhaustion. When she starts to see an invisible stranger
the SGC start to question whether she will ever be able to
return to active duty...
has a lot going for it, but it is a little too slow and would
really have worked better as a B-plot to another episode.
There are a number of nuggets hidden away in the additional
audio commentary for this episode including the fact that
Amanda Tapping (Carter) placed real gifts from her fans around
her screen home and that Carter has a porno collection (an
accident that occurred because the real owners of the house
had a porno video which actually ended up making it in to
the finished). We also discover that their are toilets at
the SGC HQ (nice comedic touch) as well as finding out that
O'Neill has never seen Star Wars.
de Lancie (more famous as Q in Star Trek: The Next Generation)
also makes his first appearance as the semi-regular character
of colonel Frank Simmons.

O'Neill stays behind on a mission to look after the fifth
member of SG-1, Lt. Tyler. When the remaining member of the
team return to Earth and explain what has happened Hammond
has them quarantined telling them that no such Lt has ever
existed SGC...
Fifth Man
is intriguing. This episode keeps the audience guessing until
the last minute. As Lt. Tyler joined the SGC only a few months
ago it is quiet feasible that he exists and that Hammond and
the rest of the SGC have been infiltrated by aliens, have
lost their memory or any number of other possible scenarios.
ending is a little moralistic, but gets the message home without
laboring the point too heavily.

Volume 20 has a nice collection of audio commentaries
and a rather lame SG-1 Video diary by Don S. Davis
which aptly demonstrates why you wouldn't want him recording
your wedding video. A damn fine disc all the same.
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