When SG-1 arrive on K'Tau they are greeted by the planet's
religious leader who sees their appearance, along with the
fact that their sun suddenly turns red, as a sign from the
Gods. In reality it is a solar reaction, caused by SG-1's
wormhole, which looks set to destroy the planet...
touch your contrast button during Red Sky, the picture
is supposed to look that colour. Nice job by the production
crew here in attempting to capture the visual events of the
solar reaction on film. Nice twist in that it is SG-1's fault
and that they admit that it is Carter's fault because she
was too rushed to plot their course properly.
is a great scene with the Asguard who throw their hands up
and claim they can do nothing about it as it would break their
treaty with the Goa'uld. So how else can SG-1 save the population
of K'Tau? Not as satisfying a conclusion as the director was
pushing for, but still an enjoyable episode.

has grown up since we last saw her. As she is going through
puberty she starts to emit an electromagnetic field. Dr Fraiser,
her adopted mother brings her into the SG-1 base and it soon
becomes apparent that Cassandra is changing into something
Rite of Passage will make a little more sense if you know
who Cassandra is (she first appeared in the episode Singularity).
This is a fairly poor episode, mainly because Cassandra is
such a poor character. As we haven't seen or heard of her
since Singularity it is hard to really feel anything
towards the character.
is an interesting twist towards the end of the episode, but
it really is too little too late. The episode pays homage
to The Exorcist, which is a nice touch, but the whingings
of a pubescent girl do not make for great viewing. And while
we are on the subject what on earth warranted her being rushed
to the SG unit after fainting anyway?...

Jackson meets his old Unas chum Chaka who has been enslaved.
In order to free Chaka, Jackson must risk the lives of the
SG-1 team as well as threatening the stability of an age-old
of Burden
is the second episode on the disc that revisits a previously
seen character. Chaka was last seen in The First Ones.
It is not really essential that you have seen this episode,
but it is helpful to help fill in a few gaps. There are some
truly touching moments and the conclusion is refreshing in
that it fails to follow the Stargate rule book which
states that SG-1 are heroes and must always end the episode
on a high note. Nice job.

on a rescue mission to recover a band of missing Russian soldiers,
SG-1 and another Russian team become trapped in a Goa'uld
tomb. Here they discover not only the remains of the Russian's,
but a killer alien which is hungry...
is a well pace, no-brainer episode. Sit back and enjoy the
ride. This has all the best elements of Aliens condensed
into 45 mins. The plot unravels at a cracking pace and the
whole episode reminds us why Stargate is such a damn
great series.
nit pick is that there is no reason for the Russian's to believe
SG-1's story of events at the end of the episode. There is
only one officer who can corroborate their evidence (and she
does) but she was unconscious for 90% of the episode anyway.
was this episode, more than any other that made me realise
how much of a back seat Teal'c has taken recently.

21 also has a solid collection of audio commentaries.
Possibly the greatest revelation from which is a moment in
Beast of Burden which was never shot in which O'Neill
is sitting in a pub snacking on a bowl of dried meat. It is
only later he discovers this is Unas meat. There is also an
SG-1 Video diary by Amanda Tapping which doesn't really
tell us anything we didn't already know.
hit and miss disc, which is a shame after previous outings.
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