Jack O'Neill is putting some new recruits through their paces.
But one nervous lieutenant's would-be SG Team is suddenly
involved in an exercise which could be the making of them
- especially as it looks like the SGC has been compromised
by alien invaders...
would have played a lot better if it had been a season one
or two episode, but to suddenly include this in season five
seems a little out of place. This episode is an excuse to
set up a new character so that he can be used in a later episode.
It uses a much overused plot device so that we are never really
sure whether the threat is real, or simply a training exercise.
And why don't the cadets swap their training guns for real
ones at the first opportunity?

After a near-deadly pursuit by gliders and the well aimed
destruction of one vessel, the SG-1 Team just manage to leap
to safety through the Stargate. However, the craft demolishes
the system just as Teal'c jumps through and he becomes lost
in the ether...
throws up some interesting questions about those that run
the SGC, but I can't help but wonder why this problem was
never dealt with before they started sending people through
the Stargate. Surely they had looked into this scenario. Maybourne
makes another appearance, which helps to add to the tension
and keeps things rolling along at a good pace.

plan is being mooted which could thwart the ambitions of the
Goa'uld once and for all. It could involve taking out their
entire leadership. A truce has been declared and the Goa'uld
are meeting on neutral territory in a place with impenetrable
defences. A human is required who can speak fluent Goa'uld
and it is Jackson who now faces a crucial mission...
is the first of a two part story which sees Daniel Jackson
put his life on the line in order to wipe-out the Goa'uld
threat. However the emergence of his old girlfriend (now a
Goa'uld) causes him to abort the mission - which seems a little
foolish. However his hesitation proves to be beneficial to
the cause.
An above average episode which give us a little more insight
into the Goa'uld culture and introduces a few new system lords.

personnel are facing a critical situation. Embattled and under
siege, Carter is trapped in a tunnel and only the application
of crystals can cause the surrounding cave to dematerialise
and give them the path of escape they so desperately need.
Meanwhile, the balance of life is threatened by the reappearance
of Anubis - the earliest of the system lords...
Stand sees the return of the lieutenant
from Proving
Ground (see I told you he'd be back) run into
a spot of trouble which I have the sneaky suspicion may provide
a twist in future episodes - this episode seems him about
to make the supreme sacrifice, but I get the feeling there
is more to this than meets the eye.
is a particularly impressive CGI effect when the deathglider
crash-lands, and all in all this is a action packed episode.

Shanks gets to make a video diary on the DVDs extras. Here
he is filming on the set of The Tomb, Summit and Last
Stand, giving us by far the best video diary to date.
Also included on the disc are possibly the worse collection
of audio commentaries heard so far. There are no real insights
that made them worth listening to and visual effects producer,
James Tichenor's constant "Um Humm!" every few seconds
soon becomes annoying.
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