Henry Fallon intended to kill himself when his illness
became too much to bear, so when he is found shot everyone
accepts that it must have been suicide, until his Doctor,
John Marriot tells Morse he would have been unable to pull
the trigger himself. Peter Rhodes, the Fallons son-in-law
is suddenly under the spot light, but Morse is in turmoil
after seeing the woman who broke his heart so many years ago...
on Time is an excellent episode displaying many of Morse's
emotions. He sees Susan for the first time in years and realises
that he is still very much in love with her. And rage, Morse
does it excellently when he and Dr Marriot argue, tears welling
in his eyes, an emotional scene which John Thaw acts to perfection.
faithful Lewis anguishes over telling Morse who the killer
is for fear of upsetting him. Excellent ending with Lewis
protecting Morse from a the truth. Kevin Whately acting abilities
absolutely shine in this episode.
strong theme throughout this episode has to be loneliness
and all the characters seem to suffer from it at some stage.
Stars Samantha Bond (alias Miss Moneypenny, in the Brosnan
Bond movies) as well as a young Dominic Keating
(Malcolm Reed from Enterprise).
photo gallery - I think they may be scarping the barrel -
one of a BT van (interesting, if you like BT vans) and one
of Morse with a clapper board hiding his face.
episode with superb acting from both Kevin and John.
birthday party for Lady Emily Balcombe, but not a happy occasion
as she loathes her husband and sons and only has her friend
Margaret. So when Sir John Balcombe is murdered at the kitchen
table, she shows no grief. Morse is confused by this but soon
discovers he has the press hounding him and the strain shows,
but has the killer finished?...
Families contains a very clever yet simple plot which
turns out to be much more sinister. Fundamentally it is a
revenge killing episode which has a slightly gothic feel to
Dexter, Morse creator, stars briefly in this episode as a
tramp. The episode also starts Martin Clunes (Men Behaving
Badly) and the late Charlotte Coleman (4 Weddings And
A Funeral and Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit).
Strange is away in Bangkok and Morse doesn't get on too well
with acting superintendent Holdsby especially when he suggests
that Morse be taken off the case.
episode with an excellent twist at the end

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