A radiation leak wipes out the crew of the mining ship
Red Dwarf leaving one survivor - chicken soup machine repairman
Dave Lister. After three million years in suspended animation,
Lister emerges to find he is the last human being in the universe.
But he is not alone...
first series of Red Dwarf got off to a shaky start.
Some of the jokes are pretty poor and the sets look a little
on the cheap side. However, as the first series progressed
the actors managed to gel together and the scripts delivered
some of the shows most memorable episodes.
first series has some classic episodes including Waiting
for God, in which Lister discovers that he has spawned
a religion and is revered as a god by the cat race that evolved
from his pet. This episode puts current religious conflicts
under the microscope, a move that could so easily have failed
for the writers.
are plenty of extras on this two disc collection to keep hardened
Red Dwarf fans happy. These include cast commentaries,
outtakes and deleted scenes a new documentary about the show
and many more extras that make this collection a must buy.
There is even a collection of music tracks from the series
and a couple of chapters of one of the later Red Dwarf
novels read by Chris Barrie. Also included is a collectors
booklet which gives some background information on the making
of the episodes, as well as listing the hidden Easter Eggs
on the disc (naturally it doesn't tell you were they can be
found). A lot of thought has gone into the animated menu screens
which adds a nice touch.
wait was worthwhile.

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All prices correct at time of going to press.