Davros is liberated from his cryogenic prison by the Daleks
so that he can develop an antidote to a plague that is wiping
them out. But Davros has not forgiven his creations for the
way he was rejected and plans to modify them so they once
again become his loyal puppets. Meanwhile, back on Earth,
the Doctor has discovered a canister of the virus that is
killing the Daleks, hidden in an old warehouse down by the
BBC continues to do right by Doctor Who as this disc
clearly demonstrated. The picture, specially decoded from
the 1 inch analogue master, looks fantastic, the sound is
crystal clear - and 5.1 if you want - and the extras are once
again excellent. It's an all round winner and that's before
we've even looked at the story.
Resurrection of the Daleks is one of the best Peter
Davison stories and is available here on disc in its original
four part edit rather than the two episode version that was
broadcast. This helps stagger the action and pace events but
the strength of the writing is sufficiently potent that the
narrative arch would probably work sliced and diced in to
just about any format partly due to some excellent characterisations.
extras package includes missing scenes, a commentary, a very
neat documentary, a picture gallery and some on-screen text
about the show's production. This DVD comes in a limited edition
PVC slip cover with a circular, Dalek-like motif.
all adds up to yet another first rate release which will please
even those fans of the programme who don't rate this particular
Dalek outing very highly. Go and buy it now.

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All prices correct at time of going to press.