The year is 2087 and the future isn't what it used to be
now that mobsters are muscling in on Pluto Nash's Club Pluto.
But Pluto isn't ready to kiss his assets goodbye. With the
help of his robo-bodyguard, an aspiring singer, his heat-packin'
mother, a schnook-turned- superstar entertainer and other
misfits, Pluto plans to blast the mob into orbit...
Adventures of Pluto Nash completely
passed me by when it was released in theatres in the UK. That's
a shame really, because this is an enjoyable romp and one
of Eddie Murphy's better films of late.
Murphy's Pluto Nash, Randy Quaid's robot bodyguard is the
greatest asset to this film. Quaid plays the part of Bruno,
Nash's confidant
and life saver. Being 24-years old has a number of distinct
disadvantages. He smokes terribly when being recharged and
his voice chip is shot to hell.
are some obvious and rather puerile jokes - like calling the
bad guy Mr Belcher - Ha! Ha! Get it? But there are also a
number of subtle jokes included too - If you look closely
at the front of the buildings in Little America you'll notice
that The Rocky Horror Picture Show is still alive and
kicking in the future. There is also a running joke about
the price of wood items on the moon which is amusing.
are a couple of notable cameo appearances from well known
actors including John Cleese, playing a computer generated
chauffeur, and Alec Baldwin as a heavy. But it is Murphy who
steels the limelight in every scene.
extras on the disc are nothing too exciting. All we get are
four deleted scenes, a music video and the making of the music
fun, if unchallenging, movie that will appeal to the younger
generation. The twisty ending is also a little unexpected,
but has been done before.

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