Krelborn is a downtrodden geek. He works in a run-down flower
shop, thanklessly doing menial tasks and secretly dreaming
of shop assistant Audrey. His other passion, collecting strange
plants, leads him to bring home a small flytrap which he discovers
following a solar eclipse and names Audrey II. Seymour soon
discovers that the plant talks, sings and survives on a diet
of human blood. Seymour embarks on a plan to kill Audrey's
boyfriend, the sadistic dentist Orin Scrivello which would
also leave the way clear for Seymour and Audrey's love to
bloom. But will this be enough to satisfy the plant's lust
for blood, or must Seymour take more drastic measures?...
Shop of Horrors started
life as a 1960 black comedy B-movie directed by Roger Corman
and starring Jack Nicholson and Dick Miller. Then in 1982
Alan Menken and Howard Ashman turned it into a musical - which
incidentally starred Ellen Greene in the role of Audrey, which
she reprised in this 1986 movie.
Moranis is perfect as Seymour, Greene is fantastic as the
nice-but-dim Audrey and Steve Martin, playing Audrey's violent
boyfriend, steels every scene he's in.
production has a wonderful cartoon feel to it. There are some
great cameo appearances by John Candy, Bill Murray and James
Belushi. Also there is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it appearance
from Danny John-Jules
who later went on to play The Cat in Red Dwarf.
audio commentary, by director Frank Oz, (which was recorded
in 1997) is extremely interesting. He reveals a lot of information
including the reason why the original, bleak ending to the
movie was changed (Because preview screenings revealed that
the movie ended on too much of a downer). He also reveals
that the movie was shot at Pinewood Studios in London - which
I previously wasn't aware of - and that all the kitsch American
props and background dressings were flown over especially.
extras include a music only track (nice touch); Outtakes (very
hit and miss); Making Of featurette (a great 20 minute documentary);
2 TV spots; Fearless Hero, Cast/Revised; Theatrical trailer.
movie doesn't seem to have aged at all and is still one of
the most colourful and entertaining movies I have seen. The
inclusion of so many quality extras make this an essential

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