A league of master criminals known as GALAXY plots to take
over the world by controlling the weather. They threaten to
destroy the planet unless the leading nations capitulate to
their demands. The Zonal Organisation World Intelligence Espionage,
Z.O.W.I.E., is called upon to stop them, but even it is powerless
against GALAXY's mighty machines. The President personally
demands that Flint, ace spy and secret agent, be assigned
the job that no one else can do...
Flint (James Coburn) is unlike any other spy you've ever met
- he can do everything better than everyone else, which is
funny up to a point but the joke starts to wear a little thin
after a whole movie's worth of it. And the unsubtle, and often
unfunny, spoofing of Bond, complete with gadgets and girls,
has lost a lot of its appeal after almost 40 years if only
because Bond still does it better. Although for fans of Austin
Powers it'll be interesting to see where Mike Myers got
pretty much all his inspiration. Listen out for the copied
sound effect...
what really makes Our Man Flint such tough going is
its hymn to male individualism American style. Filmed in an
age of hippy idealism - which GALAXY represents with its aim
of creating a world based on group values - Flint is the fast
living, womanising loner who has his roots in the wild west
frontier where a man lived on his wits and women were for
loving and leaving.
and often in very bad taste, gross misogyny like racism is
never funny unless you're a bigot, Our Man Flint is
unlikely to appeal to modern audiences although for fans of
right wing propaganda, movie-style, and crap spy capers this
will just about do. However, back in 1966 Flint was
a big enough hit for him to be called back a second time to
save the world. In Like Flint (1967) has our man uncovering
a plot to install a puppet regime in the US government led
by a group of female spa owners in the Virgin Islands. No,
I'm not making this up... you'll just wish I had when you
watch the film.
picture quality is generally good for both movies and the
sound, although mono, is clear and clean. Not that should
make any difference as the films themselves are best avoided.

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