Chris Kelvin is asked to investigate the unexplained behaviour
of key scientists on the space station Prometheus and to discover
why they have cut off all communication with Earth. Kelvin
is shocked by what he finds upon his arrival. Gibarian, the
missions commander, has committed suicide and the two remaining
scientists are exhibiting signs of extreme stress and terror,
seemingly caused by the results of their examination of the
planet Solaris. As he begins to track down the reasons for
the distress aboard the Prometheus, Kelvin, too, falls victim
to the unique world's mysteries, as well as an erotic obsession
with someone he thought he left behind...
mis-sold to the American market as a sci-fi love story, Solaris
didn't fare too well States side. Written
for the screen, directed, photographed and edited by Steven
Soderbergh, Solaris is a new adaptation of the eponymous
classic science-fiction novel by Stanislaw Lem. The book was
first filmed in 1972 as a Russian production directed by Andrei
Tarkovsky. Soderbergh's interpretation of the novel differs
greatly from Tarkovsky's vision.
is, "joined up" thinking for the sci-fi genre. Anyone
who has ever lost a loved one has, at one time or another,
wished that they could bring them back again. And this movie
ask whether it is more painful to regain the thing you've
lost than to have lost it in the first place.
a psychological thriller than a sci-fi love story, Solaris
is a world apart from Soderbergh's recent work (Ocean's
11 and Erin Brockovich) but that is not a complaint.
It's refreshing to see directors break away and not stick
with the one genre.
movie is thought provoking, intelligent and visually beautiful
but the majority of today's action hungry audiences may find
it a little too slow moving to hold their attention.
on the disc include an 18 minute documentary (Solaris:
Behind the Planet) that looks at every aspect of the making
of the movie; 13 minute HBO special that, again examines the
background to the movie; and an audio commentary by Steven
Soderbergh and James Cameron.

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