A hair-transplant turns Homer into a homicidal killer in
Hell Toupee, A radioactive remote zaps Bart and Lisa
into Itchy & Scratchy's cartoon universe, where the stakes
are not only life and death, they're sharp and pointy in The
Terror of Tiny Town and Jerry Springer presides, as Kang,
a drooling alien from Rigel 7, dukes it out with Homer over
Maggie's paternity in Starship Poopers...
Of Horror 9 sees yet another classic collection of spooky
Halloween stories. And this is one of the best. All are a
little too spooky for their own good - I know I'll have a
sleepless night after seeing Homer's hairpiece running around
with a mind of its own. The final story, Starship Poopers,
is not too impressive, but this is still a great collection.

Fearing for the safety of his family in the face of a soccer-inspired
city-wide orgy of destruction, Homer buys a handgun. Fearing
for the safety in the face of Homer's trigger-happy gun-crazed
ways, the family flees...
Cartridge Family has a great opening as the whole of Springfield
turn out to watch a soccer game - a sport which has never
taken off in the US. And with no provocation a football riot
breaks out. Sounds crazy, but many UK football fan will see
the irony here. The whole episode tackles the issue of the
Freedom and the Constitution and the problems that a gun culture
can generate.

trying to jump-start the old marriage, Homer and Marge discover
the exhilarating private rush of almost-public snuggling.
No part of Springfield is off-limits including prickly hay
lofts, erotic holes of miniature golf, clothing-optional hot-air
balloons, and spectator-filled stadiums...
Natural Born Kissers is one of those episodes that
will have you laughing out of embarrassment. Don't let the
kids see this episode or you'll have a lot of explaining to
do. One of those rare Simpsons episodes that will take
you by surprise.

magnificent medicinal miracle of Grandpa's Revitalising Tonic
saves Homer's marriage - but at what cost?...
vs Sexual Inadequacy
starts with Homer unable to perform in the marital bed - much
to his and Marge's frustration until Grandpa Simpson shows
him how to make his own special sexual brew. It works a charm,
but splits father and son. Hilarious and moving.

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