It's 2022 and the population of New York City has reached
40 million people, half of whom are unemployed. The air is
full of smog and the Sun beats down at 90 degrees. Overpopulation
and the destruction of the environment have destroyed the
world and food is running out - a jar of strawberry jam costs
$150 - and so the government has taken to handing out rations
of food made by the Soylent Corporation: Soylent Yellow, Soylent
Red and its newest product, Soylent Green. Food riots and
random killings are commonplace but when police officer Thorn
(Charlton Heston) starts to investigate the murder of a senior
Soylent executive he discovers far more than he'd ever have
believed possible...
is hardly the world's most sympathetic actor which rather
mars Thorn's personal voyage from ignorance to knowledge.
He looks tough and rugged in amongst the riots but as soon
as he starts to understand the true nature of his world he
appears wooden and inflexible which undermines pretty much
all the potential for the film to develop an emotional base.
To make matters worse, Soylent Green's ambiguous politics
can leave a nasty taste in the mouth. The book upon which
it was based, Harry Harrison's Make Room, Make Room,
is a troubled liberal parable about pollution and politics,
the movie, however, appears at times to be a paean to dictatorial
Nonetheless, Soylent Green has its moments. The sight
of dumper trucks scooping up people from the street remains
impressive and unsettling but unfortunately nowhere near as
unsettling as much of Heston's performance. Why was this man
ever regarded as a good actor?

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