A group of evil space pirates are in search of a planet on
which to plant a seed from the gargantuan Tree of Might. The
sacred tree will preserve their planet securing their survival.
Its intrusive roots will grow at a destructive rate, sapping
its host of water and minerals, creating an arid wasteland
void of energy and life. Earth has been chosen...
Battle in the World sees the Earth under attack again
with our heroes risking everything to ensure that everything
carries on as normal.
this is an impressive series, Warner Vision International
should really be given a slap for sticking a £13 price
tag on these DVDs.
with the last volume, there is only one 50 minute episode
on this disc - which even at £13 makes it a little on
the pricey side. While the episode is entertaining enough,
and the animation is your usual Manga style quality, two episodes
will set you back an outrageous £26. This is terrible
value for money when you compare it to other releases like
Stargate SG-1 where you get four episodes and a heap
of extras for £20.
I really did enjoy the episode included here, I can't honestly
recommend that anyone other than Dragonball Z fanatics,
with more money than they know what to do with, part with
their cash. Great episode, poor price!

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(Please note all prices exclude P&P - although
Streets Online charge a flat £1 fee regardless
of the number of items ordered). Click on the
logo of the desired store below to purchase
this item.
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All prices correct at time of going to press.