A bank robber is the only survivor of a passenger plane
crash. A casino employee tracks him down and explains how
luck is a real force passed from person to person. They team-up,
travelling to many illicit gambling or chance games played
for high stakes, such as houses, cars and even people. The
casino man now possesses the means to confront his corrupt
and unnatuarlly lucky boss; but the game is Russian Roulette,
and the old man has seen many opponents die. Meanwhile, a
police detective is on the trail of the bank robber, and can't
avoid getting caught up in the game...
difficult to know exactly how to quantify this film, and I'm
not certain I want to try. Words don't come easily, because
there's very little to describe: no multiple layers, no diverging
or converging plotlines, no interesting characters, no action
or stunts, no humour, no suspense... Need I go on? I'm afraid
there's not even enough here to stimulate the most complacent
and accepting viewer of weekday afternoon TV films.
problem is the chaotic structure. The director clearly has
no feeling for how scenes should be played out. Or perhaps
it was an editing fault, in which case the whole thing should
have been left on the cutting room floor. It's not the language
which is to blame, although it can be a little disorientating
to watch a Spanish film with English subtitles, only to have
some characters switch to English and back again for no discernible
reason. No, the cuts are far to abrupt and frequent, jumping
from scene to scene, back and forth, before any real tension
or cohesion can be realised.
for the story... I can't even say with any conviction if I've
accurately described the plot with my little synopsis, because
this is one of those films you watch and think to yourself,
"What the hell was all that about?!" Give this one a miss.

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