John Boorman's sequel to William Friedkin's original The
Regan MacNeil (Linda Blair) is haunted by dreams of flying.
She has visions. She is in psychoanalytic therapy. It has
been four years since a priest of the Catholic Church exorcised
a demon from her, and yet... there are still the dreams. Father
Lamont (Richard Burton) and Dr. Gene Tuskin (Louise Fletcher)
work together, trying to clear the last corners of Regan's
spiritual disorder. They trace the evil back to Africa and
the cult of the locust...
the team that didn't bring you the fantastic first film comes
this sorry little number. Regan is currently institutionalised,
still haunted by her terrible experience for years ago (Not
because of her choice of scripts). Then the lovely Father
Lamont comes along and finds that the evil spirit that once
possessed her body was merely lying dormant and not exorcised.
(anti)climactic battle of good versus evil ensues.
this is not a good film. Whilst the storyline is just a mish
mash of different plot ends, straight from your average scriptwriters
bargain basement, the acting is not much better. At the end
of this horrible experience you don't really care whether
or not good or evil wins. You just care that the DVD will
end. Not a good film and not a good DVD.
if you're game for a laugh and have nothing (and I mean
nothing) better to do one night then you could watch this.
It will make you chuckle. Just.

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