At the end of the last film he said the world would hear again
from Fu Manchu and, unfortunately, it was no idle threat.
So what could possibly be the latest wicked and abominable
scheme to originate from the Chinese mastermind we all love
to hate? Apparently, he plans to bore the world into submission
by subjecting the masses to an inane and pretty much pointless
sequel. Only joking... I think. No, really the Chinese chappy
embarks on a quest for the lost plot! At the beginning of
the film Fu Manchu is beheaded for his crimes to humanity,
in front of his arch enemy and all-round good egg, Nayland
Smith. But if you can keep your head when all around you lose
theirs, you'll discover that the executed man was only an
impostor. And there I was hoping for the shortest film in
the series yet!
time he means to cultivate the Blackhill poppy for use as
a weapon. To achieve this Fu Manchu continues his fetish for
kidnapping professors and their daughters by taking Professor
Muller to work on a secret serum previously known only to
a religious order of the Himalayas. There's a bust-up at a
museum when the Chinaman's henchmen arrive through the sewers
to steal the papers which contain the required formula; it's
going badly for the meagre security until the stiff upper
lip of Assistant Commissioner Nayland Smith of Scotland Yard
gives those Chinese a good piece of his mind. Nevertheless,
Fu Manchu gets his claws on the papers and forces the professor
to produce the dangerous liquid. A single pint of the extract
of Blackhill poppy is enough to kill thousands of people.
Above freezing it is harmless, but below freezing it proves
lethal. That's a happy coincidence for our evil perpetrator
whose demonstration of power, the town of Fleetwick, is suffering
from a particularly cold spell. As a result, 3000 inhabitants
and soldiers are killed. Fu Manchu then turns his attention
further afield, and only Nayland Smith can stop him. Someone
fetch that man a cape.
main four or five characters return yet again for more set
piece shenanigans. This is at best mediocre stuff. I think
the oriental's masterplan is about to be revealed: he means
to wear down us hardworking reviewers. After only three of
these films, I'm hoping the world will see rather less of
Fu Manchu.

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