Europe in the midst of a deadly plague, sadistic Prince Prospero
hosts a lavish masque ball for devil worshippers in the sanctuary
of his castle. Amid the debauched, wanton revelry there enters
an uninvited guest clad in red- death!...
of the Red Death stars Vincent Price and you know from
the start that there is going to be much eyebrow raising,
much camp delivery of lines and a ton of tongue in cheek dialogue.
In that respect this doesn't disappoint, but it hasn't aged
well and is fairly average viewing at best.

Taylor plays a university lecturer who is hated by his colleagues
when rumours circulate that he is in line for a major promotion.
As if that wasn't bad enough, he discovers that his wife has
been practising witchcraft! He insists that she destroy her
magical charms, refusing her insistence that her intervention
is necessary to protect his career and indeed his life from
his jealous fellow lecturers...
of the Eagle is a well constructed piece of cinematography
which concerns itself with superstition and witchcraft. Well
paced and acted, this movie is worth seeing if you haven't seen
it before. There are plenty of scary scenes as Taylor's onscreen
wife seems to be obsessed with performing acts of witchcraft
in order to keep their household together. But once that spell
is broken all sorts of strange things start to happen. Night
of the Eagle may not be the most fitting title, but it is
certainly an entertaining movie that has aged incredibly well.

As the result of a bizarre find during an excavation in
Romania, Russian soldiers bring back to life the Hound of
Dracula. The evil beast travels to Los Angeles determined
to locate the last descendants of the deadly Count's family...
Hound of Dracula really is one Dracula movie too far.
The idea is ridiculous, the execution clumsy and the whole
thing is humourless. There was a great missed opportunity
to have this as a comedy horror movie. What a shame they never
attempted that. There are some shocking moments including
a hiker getting chewed to bits, and a cute little puppy being
chomped by a larger dog, but otherwise this is pretty poor.
dog's owner, old man Schmidt, is hysterically funny - without
intending to be. And he crops up all over the place which
quite literally means this movie is full of Schmidt.

DVD collection of one classic movie, one average film and
possibly the worst Dracula related picture ever made.
Not an essential purchase, but it has it's moments. And all
the films have had a good clean before being transferred to
DVD which is an added bonus.
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