A fiendish evil lurks beneath the mist-shrouded cliffs of
the fabled moors. In the form of a hellish hound, it feeds
upon the trembling flesh of the heirs of Baskerville Hall.
But before this savage beast can sink its teeth into the newest
lord of the manor, it must pit its vicious fangs against the
searing intellect of the most powerful foe it has ever encountered
- the incomparable Sherlock Holmes...
Cushing is a splendid Holmes and Andre Morell is the perfect
Dr. Watson in this adaptation of the Conan Doyle classic from
Hammer Studios. Christopher Lee co-stars as the current heir
to the Baskerville estate - turning in a faultless performance.
In fact, that's something that can be said about the entire
production. There isn't a bad actor or corny line of dialogue
in sight.
film print is also of agreeable quality - although there is
the odd speck of dust from time to time.
those who want to see Cushing and Lee together on screen and
watch the sparks fly - although this time they are on the
same side - then this is a fine example. Not only that, but
it is a damn fine movie too. Sadly there are no extras.

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