is the story of Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad: teens who
live together, unsupervised, somewhere near the Jersey shore.
Carl, their next door neighbour, has an aboveground pool and
an attitude. This is also the story of mysteries, neighbourhood
conflicts, aliens, mad scientists, rabbits, robots, robot
rabbits, perms, cologne, heave metal, haunted school busses,
giant moths, mold with a generous heart, Dracula, road trips,
brains and leprechauns...
Teen Hunger Force is a wacky collection of 10 minute cartoon
shorts which revolve around three housemates. There is Master
Shakes (oo-er sounds a bit like masturbates), who is a giant
cardboard cup filled with milkshake, Frylock, a giant cardboard
French fries container, and Meatwad, a large lump of meat.
Together they help to same humanity time and time again.
must admit to wondering what I was letting myself in as I
watched the first episode. Could anyone really make a series
about fast food containers and a lump of meat? But, as you
get used to the characters you start to appreciate why this
has captured the imagination of the American audience.
episode begins at Doctor Weird's laboratory. Here the evil
doctor and his assistant, Steve, create new horrors each week
which they unleash on an unsuspecting world. The first episode,
Rabbot, sees them create a giant robot bunny. The great
thing about this is that Weird only appears for a few seconds
in each episode and his creations then attacks the Aqua Teen
Hunger Force, or are simply forgotten about all together.
And throughout all the episodes the Aqua Teen's and the Doctor
are unaware of each others existence.
first few episodes are a little on the slow side, but as the
series progresses, the jokes become slicker and the villains
get funnier (There are two great episodes staring aliens from
the Moon which look exactly like 1980s video game aliens from
Space Invaders; a Mummy buried under the Aqua Teens'
house; and a depressed talking doll). The
best episode has to be Interfection, which shows us
the evils of pop-up windows on home PCs.
include some bland audio commentaries, a rather pointless
extended version of the Rabbot episode and some Easter
Eggs that are easy to find. Ignore these and just watch the
very entertaining collection.

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