What happens when a classic '60s Hanna-Barbera superhero gets
his own late-night talk show? Now you can find out as Space
Ghost humiliates celebrities before they realise what they've
let themselves in for...
Network's late-night Adult Swim programming has produced
a number of original shows with a more adult oriented humour.
Space Ghost has to be one of the most bizarre.
one washed up, retired superhero and give him his own late-night
chat show and watch as he insults his guests by asking them
questions like: "What are your super powers?" and
"Tell me an interesting story" and then proceeds
to talk over them, or cut them off in midstream because he
is having problems with his bandleader (the evil mantis Zorak)
or producer (Moltar).
majority of these episodes are patchy at best, and a few more
original questions would have helped to keep the viewer from
becoming a little bored. The majority of guests really have
no idea what they are getting themselves into and it's extremely
amusing to see guest after guest appear, expecting to plug
their new book or album only to be humiliated.
is this better illustrated in the second of the two themed
episodes (Batmantis) which sees Adam West, Lee Meriwether
and Ertha Kitt interviewed. I was surprised to see that Lee
Meriwether is still an extremely attractive woman and, as
the additional commentary verifies, was really up for a laugh
and took the whole thing in good spirits. Adam West, on the
other hand, didn't. He unashamedly plugs his book and really
wasn't happy to be poked fun at. And Ertha Kitt???!!!?? Mad
as toast.
number of celebrities give as good as they get. Terry Jones
(Monty Python), comedian Bobcat Goldthwait, Donny Osmond
and Hulk Hogan all show that they can poke fun at themselves
- even if they were unprepared for Space Ghost's ridiculous
majority of guests will be unknown to us Brits, but there
are enough well known faces (Alice Cooper, The Ramones, Weird
Al Yankovic and Slash) to keep you watching. Some guests you
feel sorry for, others you are embarrassed for, and the rest
you are glad that Space Ghost makes them look like the sad,
attention grabbers that they are.
you fast forward through the majority of the animation that
links the interviews, then you'll enjoy these episodes. Entertaining.

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