Cody Banks seems like a typical teenager - he loves skateboarding,
hates maths, his parents drive him crazy, and he feels like
a complete idiot around girls. But Cody has a really big secret
that even his family and best friends don't know - he's actually
an elite undercover agent for the CIA...
dear! Not another spoof secret agent movie!" I hear you
cry. But wait, I think you'd better be prepared for a shock...
This movie is actually quite good.
Cody Banks never takes itself too seriously and as Bond
spoofs go, you don't get much better than this. This is easily
funnier and more engaging than the Austin Powers movies.
There are plenty of nods to the Bond movies including a very
similar soundtrack and a Q type character who provides Cody
with his gadgets. This character also goes to great lengths
to prove he is streetwise but ends up looking foolish.
loved the idea that the CIA had started to recruit kids. There
is a great line where someone discovers that children are
being used and exclaims: "Children? You're hiring children?
Do you send them out on missions alone?" To which the
CIA official snaps: "No! That would be irresponsible!"
It is this wonderfully subtle humour that makes Agent Cody
Banks the
also stars The Mummy's Arnold Vosloo and, believe it
or not, Lovejoy's Ian McShane as the villains. Both
of whom turn in spot on performances. There are gadgets and
gizmos aplenty and It's even got a cute CIA agent for the
dads! what more could you wish for?
include audio commentary with Frankie Muniz, Angie Harmon
and Harald Zwart; Multi angle scenes; 8 mini featurettes;
Deleted scenes; Outtakes; Storyboard to film comparisons;
Theatrical trailer; and an Agent Cody Banks 2 teaser.
a movie that all the family will enjoy.

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