The Man Who Sued God

Starring: Billy Connolly, Judy Davis, Colin Friels and Wendy Hughes
Universal Pictures
RRP: £17.99

Certificate: 15
Available now

Steve Myers, a disillusioned ex-lawyer turned fisherman, is annoyed when his insurance company refuses to pay up when his boat is destroyed by a bolt of lightning. As this is an act of God, Myers decides to prove to the world what a farce the insurance industry is by suing The Almighty's representatives on Earth...

The Man Who Sued God is a romantic comedy that tackles the farce that is the world of the insurance companies. Anyone who has ever been told that their policy doesn't cover them for certain acts of God will relate to this instantly.

Myers (Billy Connolly) begins suing God as a joke, at the end of his tether after he has lost everything, he decides he has nothing to loose and sets out to prove what a sham the whole "Act of God" clause is. Along the way he catches the attention of journalist Anna Redmond (Judy Davis) who is at pains to get back to proper reporting about real issues and people.

On the whole this is a comedy of some merit. Connolly is perfect in the role of the small man, taking on the mighty insurance companies as well as the various religions. And there are some wonderfully touching moments.

However, the conclusion is a little corny which is a shame because if they'd done away with the religious message at the end, this would have been a much better film.

It's also worth mentioning that during the filming of this movie a tree branch fell on the car of an extra who was unable to claim from their insurance company as it was deemed an act of God.

An enjoyable movie that sees Connolly on top form.

Darren Rea

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