When an expedition in search of a lost colleague traces
his last steps in the frozen Arctic, they soon discovers a
hidden tropical oasis in the middle of the frozen wasteland.
It's not long before the team are witness to this land's prehistoric
wildlife, and scantily clad human inhabitants. But, with their
mode of transport badly damaged and the local inhabitants
after their blood, can they find their man and return home
low budget sequel to The Land That Time Forgot tries
to cram too many genres into its 90 minutes of screen time.
However, there is not enough excitement for it to be an action/adventure
movie, and too few rubber dinosaurs to be classed as a monster
movie. There is almost enough cleavage and (nearly but not
quite) glimpses of bottom to classify this as a very soft
porn film - but I won't even go there.
released in 1977, the same year as Star Wars: IV - A New
Hope (in fact this feature stars two actors from that
movie, Dave Prowse and Richard LeParmentier), viewers will
really be expecting more.
Land That Time Forgot has all the hallmarks of a Doug
McClure movie: rubber dinosaurs, Pterodactyl's which can't
be shot down with a machine gun, but are easily blown out
of the sky with a rifle, and a villain who commands an army
full of English speaking killers when there is no real reason
for them to speak our language - wouldn't it have made more
sense for them to make Doug McClure learn their language?
while we are on the subject of the bad guy, Indiana Jones
and the Temple of Doom owes a lot to this movie. See how
many scenes in the temple you can spot which were copied by
Mr Spielberg less than a decade later.
not totally dire, it might have been kinder if those people
at MGM had forgot about this movie and left it off their DVD
release schedule.

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