Whilst searching for the Lost City of the Ancients SG-1
is stunned to find Daniel Jackson alive but stripped of his
memory. O'Neill helps Daniel back to SGC, where he is reinstated
back into active service...
the return of Daniel Jackson. There are some great moments
- that will probably be lost on casual viewers - like the
fact that Daniel goes to Teal'c to ask him about his wife.
Those that have a good memory will recall that it was Teal'c
that killed Daniel's wife after she was turned into a puppet
by Apophis. There is also a great dig at Kurt Russell's hair
from the original movie, when Daniel asks O'Neill: "Has
your hair always been that way?"
of humour, including comical nods to the original Star
Wars movie, and a good storyline gets season seven off
on the right foot.

are on a mission to help the Kelownans who are attacked by
Anubis and it looks like Jonas could be the only one who can
save his homeland...
is the conclusion to a two-part story, one that you know is
bound to lead to Jonas's death or departure from the SGC.
If you don't already know, then I won't spoil anything. But
I will say that I was slightly disappointed by the conclusion
- much more should have been made of Jonas's exit. It just
seemed to be over too quickly.
that Anubis possesses all of Jonas's memories, thanks to a
nice little bit of torturing, you can see the potential problems
that have been put in place for the SGC in the future.
also a great Richard Dean Anderson moment, where he hums dramatic
music at the realisation that they are in danger, only to
have the music score in the background also rise dramatically.
There is also a nod and a wink to the movie Independence

15 year old infiltrates SGC claiming to be Col. Jack O'Neill.
The child has the exact DNA, attitude and knowledge of O'Neill.
The team must solve the mystery and find Jack, and the Asgaard
may hold the key...
Balance is
one of those episodes which could only have worked if the
actor playing the mini O'Neill managed to pull it off. And
to Michael Welch's credit he does a superb job. He really
manages to mimic Richard Dean Anderson's character, both vocally
and physically.
great comical moment is the scene where it's pointed out that
the 15 year old could indeed be O'Neill and that stranger
things have happened to him in the past - like turning into
a caveman and growing into an old man.
audio commentary also reveals that a lot of SG-1 fans
were concerned that the conclusion of this episode sees a
50 year old man, trapped in a 15 year old's body, let loose
on a school of school girls. Oh, please??!!

must adjust to new limitations when he is wounded in battle.
The SG-1 team are at hand to help and they set out to rescue
Ry'ac and Bra'tac from the Goa'uld's death camp...
visually very impressive, but it is also an angst ridden tale
which sees Teal'c untypically mooching around feeling sorry
for himself. Christopher Judge does a great job, it's just
that it seemed a little out of character for the proud warrior
that fans have grown to know.

on this collection are pretty much the same as last season.
These include audio commentaries for all four episodes, where
they rip apart their own work; SG-1 Directors Series: Fragile
Balance; and SG-1 Beyond the Gate: Michael Shanks
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