On his way to an important interview, Chris Finn faces
a huge backup of traffic. Making a u-turn, he tries out a
short cut, but this wrong turn may be the last one he ever
makes. After crashing into the broken-down vehicle of a group
of young friends, an indescribable nightmare begins. Deep
in the woods, they encounter monstrous mountain men who have
murder on their minds...
Turn harks back to the era of '70s slasher flicks, back
in the days before Scream and the like made it fashionable
to intersperse horror with humour. As such, this movie is
refreshingly free of quips and one-liners, and simply gets
on with the business of being very nasty indeed. The production
does exhibit a sense of humour, though it must be a very sick
and twisted sense of humour to have devised such grisly deaths
as an arrow through the eye, an axe through the head and a
garrotting using barbed wire.
deaths make use of some great special effects, including convincing
CGI for the axe-through-head sequence. This being a Stan Winston
production, we expect to see some cool make-up effects as
well, and the grotesque inbred mountain men don't disappoint,
their bodies being just distorted enough to be medically possible
while still appalling to behold.
McElroy's script doesn't allow for much in the way of characterisation,
but the performances are believable enough. Eliza Dushku (who
played Faith in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel)
dominates the proceedings, ably switching between spirited
bravery and downright terror. Despite the predictability of
the plot (it doesn't take a genius to work out which of the
kids will survive the longest) director Rob Schmidt stages
some good shock moments.
its very reasonable price, I shouldn't really complain about
the relative lack of extra features. These include about 20
minutes of documentary featurettes, a couple of extended scenes
and a cast and crew commentary.
homage to the likes of Deliverance and The Texas
Chainsaw Massacre is never going to be hailed as a classic,
but it does what it set out to do in terms of terror, bloodletting
and suspense.

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