
Starring: Rutger Hauer and Mimi Rogers
Carlton Visual Entertainment
RRP: £9.99
Certificate: 18
Available now

In the not too distant future a new high tech correctional facility is undergoing trials. There are few guards and no walls instead the inmates are tagged with an electronic collar bomb. Each prisoner in this unisex facility has an unknown partner and if the collars are removed, or the inmates are separated by more than a hundred yards, they will explode. The latest criminal to be incarcerated is
jewel thief Frank Warren who masterminded a huge diamond heist but was double crossed by his partners, and left for dead...

Wedlock literally pairs up Rutger Hauer and Mimi Rogers as the two inmates who are connected through their electronic collars. You'll find it hard to believe that Mimi could do anything that would warrant a stretch in the slammer. And it soon becomes apparent that she shouldn't even be in there.

This made for TV movie has a lot going for it. There are lots of twists as Frank realises that everyone wants to get their hands on his hidden jewels (oo-er missus). But, when the owner of the prison demands to know where Frank has hidden the loot in exchange for a lenient time inside, Frank knows he is in for a rough ride.

There are plenty of comic moments including numerous scenes where the two inmates, now on the run, almost become separate by the lethal hundred yards. After the second time, it starts to get a little silly and you know when Hauer says: "Wait here. I'll just be a second" that something will happen to separate them.

This movie has some great actors in it, but arguably the scene stealer is Stephen Tobolowsky, the head of the prison, who has been in countless movies but I'll always remember him as Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day. He plays the role perfectly - more a pen pusher who sees a golden opportunity, rather than a corrupt megalomaniac.

I was surprised to see that this movie still has an 18 certificate, especially when you consider that movies like The Terminator have recently been reclassified as 15 certificate for their DVD releases.

It's certainly a movie worth watching. And now it's being released at under a tenner, there's even more of an incentive to pick up a copy.

Pete Boomer

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