When a bumbling gangster is killed in the crossfire of a yakuza
execution, it's the the best think that ever happened to him.
Rebuilt by a mad professor as a super-robo yakuza (with private
parts to match) this full-metal killer is ready to find out
who was responsible for his death and mete out bloody revenge...
Japanese cult director Miike Takashi comes a funny, Japanese
version of Robocop. And that's all you need to know.
it isn't actually. What you need to know is that this is a
very fine example of why Takashi is one of the strongest directors
in Japanese film. You only have to take a look some of his
other work to realise that he has his own style and he will
use it to full effect if he has to. And in this movie... he
does just fine.
I said above this is a Japanese version of Robocop.
Not even making it to Japanese cinema screens this is a tale
of stupidity, revenge and violence. Oh and great comedy as
movie was part of a new wave for Japanese film as the video
shelves in shops had less and less on them. Production companies
wanted to reverse this trend and started making straight to
video movies (but rather good ones). And this film is Takashi's
first thing you will notice, is that this is a budget movie.
The effects are nothing special and the film quality is lacking.
But boy is it fun. Disengage your brain. Kick back and enjoy
this. You wont see a straight to video film of this quality
very often, so enjoy it.
DVD itself is probably as good as you are going to get. The
picture is grainy but as the source material was probably
a lot worse than this. The transfer holds up just fine, and
the sound is average but functional. There are also some special
features; these consist of interviews with the director and
producers of the film, preview, trailers filmographies and
an audio commentary by expert Tom Mes.
in all a great package for a lowly cheap film that has cult
classic stamped all over it.

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All prices correct at time of going to press.