When shamed reporter Kiyoshi Yamazaki visits one of Japan's
many comfort houses to make a documentary about sex and violence
amongst the nation's youth he is somewhat surprised to encounter
his nubile young daughter. Soon after, he meets "Q", an enigmatic
stranger, and invites him to visit his family home. Upon entering
the dysfunctional world, "Q" sets about teaching each family
member a unique and special lesson. But will he succeed in
creating domestic harmony?
After watching Visitor Q the first thing that pops
into my head is 'eh?' To say that this is a very inaccessible
film is putting it mildly. Whilst it most certainly is controversial
and taboo breaking, you can't help but think that these taboo's
should not have been broken.
by world famous Takashi Miike (Audition, Itchi the killer)
The film will stretch you and some of the scenes will either
bore you senseless, confuse you or just make you want to turn
it off.
Being a fan of the director's work does make this job a great
deal harder than it should be. It would be easy to harp on
about the shoestring budget and how well it's edited and filmed.
But sadly at the end of the day it is not an easy film. Some
scenes may disturb you and some scenes will bore you. It also
may put you off watching anymore of the director's films which
is a great shame because he has done some fantastic work.
only extras on the DVD are a film note leaflet, an Asia Extreme
trailer reel and a film trailer - not that great. The good
thing is that there is a DTS track on this film. But with
this sort of subject matter you don't really get any benefit
of this track.
No matter what you think of Takashi's films, you can never
say that he didn't make you think, but he should not make
it this much of a chore.

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