Dr Mabuse The Gambler is the precursor to the recently
reviewed sequel, The Testament of Dr Mabuse. Based
on a novel by Norbert Jacques, this one follows the exploits
of a criminal genius who stamps his authority on 1920s German
society. Through strict rules and force of will, he terrorises
the public and those thieves, murderers and counterfeiters
forced to work under his control, because no one crosses Dr
Mabuse and lives...
shown in 1922, Fritz Lang originally made this as a two-part
film (4.5 hours in its entirety). Rudolf Klein-Rogge plays
the title character as he did in the sequel (incidentally,
he also played Rotwang the scientist in Lang's Metropolis).
Proof that timing is an important factor in all things comes
in the fact that The Gambler depicts more violence
in a decadent society than Testament, and yet it was
the latter which was banned by the Nazis, Hitler having just
been appointed chancellor.
With the sequel already out on DVD, it's giving nothing away
to reveal that The Gambler ends at the point of Mabuse's
fall into madness and incarceration into a mental asylum.
again full marks go to the incredible reconstruction job carried
out in 2000 using the German and foreign distribution negatives.
The digitally remastered picture and sound is as clear as
you could ever want it. Who would have believed a few years
ago that we would be listening to a 1922 film score in digital
5.1 surround sound!
said that, because this is a silent movie (with both German
and English subtitles) there is an unnecessary need for constant
orchestral blasting or piano maiming. Imagine over four hours
of manic Keystone Cops-type music and you'll probably
understand why I was driven to distraction. But as soon as
you mute the sound your mind wanders, so it is necessary in
hindsight as a focus. The documentary Mabuse's Music
has Aljoscha Zimmermann demonstrate and rationalise Gottfried
Huppertz's composition, but a central theme even with variations
soon wears thin.
extra features include: Norbert Jacques, the Literary Inventor
of Dr Mabuse; the Motives and Themes of Mabuse; a photo gallery;
Facts and Dates; Biographies; and Imprint (restoration credits).
often proves the case, I preferred learning about the background
to the film much more than the feature itself, but this two-disc
package will be a worthy addition to any collector's library
of any old and rare films

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