In their graduation year, the disaffected students turn
their concrete box of a school into a backdrop against which
to create their own version of society. The newly elected
boss Kujo disdains all the rules, including those that have
led to his election. Into this power vacuum, his scandalised
friend and lieutenant Aoki enters with vicious intent. As
graduation looms, the pupils study violence and death...
It has been a while but finally a film about one of the strangest
parts of the Japanese culture has finally been released; their
schools. Whether or not the schools in Japan are as the film
portrays, it certainly makes for very entertaining viewing.
other films, schools have been portrayed as merely buildings
where not much teaching goes on, but gangs form. These gangs
have their own leaders and a hierarchy system similar to an
army. So when a film like this comes along, where the school
forms its own society, it isn't entirely unbelievable.
acting Blue Spring is superb with strong performances
all round. Couple this with a believable and sometimes scary
storyline and you have a winning formula. Also, as with all
Japanese cinema, there are plenty of calm and stormy moments;
you can feel the tension radiate from your TV screen.
extras on the DVD include a commentary by Artsmagic veteran
Tom Mes, biographies and filmographies and an interview with
the director. Yet again a nice package. If there are any complaints
about this film then it would be directed at the failing of
some of the tension to hit the right spot. But this is only
occasional and is definitely forgivable.
in all, it's definitely worth a look. It will give you some
idea how the youth of Japan are struggling to find their place
in the world. Plus this is a real life problem and if it's
anything like this then all you can do is feel for them.

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