Galileo, the 17th century Italian, laid the foundations of
modern science. He constructed one of the world's first telescopes
and discovered the moons of Jupiter. He supported Copernicus'
theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun, a that brought
him into conflict with the Catholic Church, which threatened
him with torture. Galileo's theories inspired others like
Newton and Kepler to prove that the Earth was not the centre
of the Universe...
a nutshell: scientist has a theory, church not happy, scientist
keeps his trap shut to prevent the wrath of God's self appointed
spokespeople on Earth. And that is the entire plot of Galileo.
Okay, a little over simplified maybe, but that is roughly
what happens. Sadly though, this is dragged out for almost
two hours and 20 minutes. And, over half way through, everything
turns into a musical??!!?? Then, when that moment of insanity
is over, we are back to slow and boring self-postulating.
annoying addition is the three choirboys that appear between
acts and sing pointless ditties. Sadly though their songs
sound like the ones sung by the Oompa Loompas in the 1971
movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
this production looks beautiful, and the acting never falters,
it's just so painfully uninteresting that it is unlikely to
hold the imagine of the majority of viewers for its duration.
on this collection include interviews with Topol and executive
producer Otto Plaschkes (which hasn't been framed properly,
so that there is a bar of black and white stripes at the top
of the screen); trailer gallery; cinebill for Galileo;
stills gallery; article: Bertolt Brecht and Galilieo
by Michael Feingold; and a 2nd season message by Ely Landau.
sum this up, it's a rather dull offering which has not aged
particularly well. If an hour had been knocked off the running
time, this would have been a lot more entertaining.

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